International Students’ Championships

Dear friends,
It is with great sadness and frustration that we inform you that the International Students’ Championships in Trauma Management Simulation Wroclaw Poland 2020 cannot take place as planned.
Due to the seriousness and development of the COVID-19 situation, the organizing committee has decided to postpone the event. I hope that the new championship date will be known by the end of April 2020, at least six months in advance.
I wish you and your students all the best.
Piotr Kolęda

We are happy to announce that application for teams interested in being Wroclaw Medical University and the same time the only polish representative is now open! Read the general rules carefully (click below)!

Rules of ISCTMS 

We are so excited to inform that next July we will be the first host of International Students’ Championships in Trauma Management Simulation!!!

As far as we know 12 teams from all over the world will be participating. The event will take place at 3rd – 5th of July 2020 at our Simulation Centre. We will be informing about everything successively.

Event coordinator – Marta Błaszyk

Honorary patronage

Prezydent Wrocławia
Jacek Sutryk

p.o. Rektora UMW
Prorektor ds. Nauki
Uniwersytetu Medycznego
im. Piastów Śląskich we Wrocławiu
prof. dr hab. Piotr Ponikowski
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